I have been waiting to write about this topic for a while now. Because I do have a lot of things to say about it, but I will keep it short as always. Mentioning the most important tips in order to have and keep a positive attitude and mindset.
For me, a positive mindset is when you don’t let anything affect you, whether by stress, worry, or anger. You just brush it off and carry on with your life, having full trust in the creator/universe that it always gets better. Do you want to feel the same? Come on in.
5 Min Reading Time
TIP 1 : Don’t let things that you can’t control, control you
As humans, any thing that does not go as planned, cause us worry, whether if that thing was in our control like forgetting your keys. Or out of our control like being stuck in traffic. We have heard so many times that we should not be anxious about the latter. But why do we always fail to do so? because even if we worry, we will not be able to change the outcome.
Some tips that I would share for this, is that we should never have high expectations about nothing. Also, look at your previous similar moments, did worrying or being negative help? Absolutely not… It was, in fact, counterproductive.

I will share with you a real life situation that happened to me. I used to be a student who would try his best not to miss classes, I was a nerd (hence, starting a blog, being a bookworm…). One day I got really sick, and I did not go, turned out the teacher was absent that same day. So, had I worried and stressed, that would have been a waste. I am pretty sure you have a lot of situations like this that you can look back at.
TIP 2 : Every single negative experience that happens might have a positive outcome
The idea of every negative experience can lead to a positive outcome, actually, came from the philosophy of resilience and growth. Always, and I say ALWAYS try to find the positive outcome of the negative circumstances. For example : Not passing an exam at school (I don’t know what’s with all these school related examples but here we go), the initial feelings that you might feel are : sadness, disappointment or even giving up, which is totally okay. Then look at it as an opportunity to work harder and cope with bigger challenges. A motivation to do an even better job at school and so on. We can think of a lot of possibilities of getting a positive outcome out of this specific situation. And that was my tip for this point.

You can’t change the past, but you can certainly change the future.
TIP 3 : Meditation and Breath-work
You guys, meditation is so underrated, and it baffles me that people don’t know that. You might see meditation as sitting boringly in silence and doing nothing for like 20 minutes. It’s not true, meditation can take only 5 minutes or less, and if you are comfortable, you can go up to 30 minutes. Always remember : baby steps. I will not talk about the benefits of meditation because I have discussed that in this blog specifically in the 6th tip.

If you have tried meditation and you just don’t feel like it’s your thing. Try breath-work, it’s less “boring” since you can follow a rhythm of breathing. whether calm and collected, or fast and intense. Each type serves its own benefits, knowing that there are around 15 techniques. So you can pick and choose which one resonate with you.
TIP 4 : Deal With People Who Complain
One of my pet peeves is hearing people complain, especially, they do it all the time. But the thing is that I can’t really blame them. Because complaining goes back all the way since the existence of humans. Complaining has actually served humans to voice concerns and threats, basically, it was a survival skill. It got carried til our modern days. It is a form of bonding, and a coping mechanism, but also an attention seeking technique.
An excess in complaining might leech into our minds and make us feel negative, nervous, irritated or even angry. Last I checked, these are the complete opposite of having a positive mindset.

The bad part is that some people take it to the extreme. We can point out at least one person in our lives who complains all the time. My tip when it comes to dealing with these kind of people is to : 1) Either tell them upfront that the complaining makes you uncomfortable. 2) If they are complaining about something that is making them panic, reassure them. 3) Try to change the topic to a positive one if the complaining becomes overwhelming.
So there you go guys, I hope that you learned something from these tips. Positive mindset is really important for our mental and physical health, and also for people around us. Let’s all adopt this mindset and grow on our own rhythm.