First you need to categorize the different aspects in your life and focus on which one/ones you want to improve. I know that what makes us not take actions in terms of improvement is feeling lost or overwhelmed with the different things we want to improve. My advice here is to choose your top three aspects, the ones that you want to prioritize. You can pick from the aspects that I came up with below :
Mental Aspect Tips :
Mental health is no doubt a very very important part of our well-being, it determines how we act and feel. The moment we take control of our mental health, we take pretty much control of our life. There countless way to ameliorate our mentality, here are ones that I think are the most important :
- Self-care : Good quality sleep, meditation, positive self-talk, exercise, alone time…
- Therapy : A good therapist is what we need most when we start noticing that our mental health is getting bad, it can be pricey at times, but now we have apps and platforms online that are more or less affordable. And sometimes talking to loved ones can be as good as going to therapy.
- Improving other aspects of our lives. I noticed that the improvement of every other upcoming aspect helps better my mental health.
Physical Aspect Tips :
This aspect is as supreme as the previous one. It is no doubt to nobody that the moment you invest in your physical health you automatically invest in your mental health. A simple workout, a 30 minute walk, a little yoga session, or even a few stretches right after waking up can do your body a favor.
The other part is nutrition. It’s so easy to get a ready-to-eat meal with a few clicks on our screen. But I was never tempted to do so on the regular, I much prefer to cook at home, even though I am not the best at it. If you feel too lazy to cook or maybe you don’t have enough time to cook (I fall into both categories), what I would recommend is searching and learning easy-to-make meals, there are meals that take only 15 to 20 minutes to make. Which is the same time as waiting for your meal to be delivered home, plus you’ll feel better about yourself, save money, and be healthier.
Professional Aspect Tips :
It is no surprise to no one that most people on this globe are unsatisfied with their jobs. Many studies over the years have proven that these people represent 85% of the world’s population. This number is alarming. So what can you do to reduce this number, and join the other 15%?
- You have to understand that you are more than your job. You do have your personal life, you do have hobbies you love to practice, and a passion you want to pursue. So make time for these things, to avoid burnouts, fatigue and routine.
- If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and you want to start your own business, just go ahead and do it. I know that it’s easier said than done, and trust me, you will never be ready so just jump into it, because you will feel glad that you started sooner than later. (i will definitely make a blog about this topic).
- Go ask for a promotion/salary increase if you think you deserve it, the worst thing that you’ll get is a no.
Habitual Aspect Tips :
I have a question for you : why is it that bad habits are easy for us humans to adopt and form compared to good habits? I think the obvious answer is that bad habits require less effort to do and instant reward… the opposite of good habits.
On a day to day basis we are put in front of 2 or more options, either ones that are going to benefit us in the long run (good habits) or the ones who are going to “benefit” us in the short run (bad habits), sadly… we mostly choose the latter.
So to help adopt new good habits or limit the bad ones, there are many books/videos/articles… in our disposal. The one that I honestly found beneficial and still use its techniques to this day it’s a book called “The atomic habits” by James Clear, if you are a book nerd like me I bet you have heard of it before. Give it a try , it will definitely be the guide you need to improve your habits.
Intellectual Aspect Tips :
There is a big debate about whether it is better to know more or less. I personally can see both sides’ point of view, but I am team ‘knowing more is better’. It just makes you seem smart, trustworthy and have a sense of charisma.
This aspect is related to the one before. Picking up a book, reading a scientific article, listening to an informative podcast, watching a documentary, these are all ways to increase our intellect, but not many people seem to indulge in these sources of information. So, dedicate few minutes of your free time to learn about different topics. There are many ways to do so for everybody.
Social Aspect Tips :
It is no doubt that the people we surround ourselves with influence us big time, either directly or indirectly, and now with social media and how there are so many public figures which make the influence get bigger. I am not saying that all of them have bad influence, some of them actually are inspiring and could be even seen as a role model or a mentor. My advice is to choose the ones whose path/goals truly align with yours, and of course no human is perfect, so make sure to take from them the good and leave the bad.
I could go on and on about this aspect, knowing I am someone who carefully chooses with whom I spend my time and how much time I assign to each person.
We should all be surrounded by genuine people who inspire us, make us feel good, and push us to be the best version of ourselves every day. I will definitely make a blog to talk about this aspect in detail.
Environmental Aspect Tips :
What I mean by environment is the space where you spend the majority of your time, which is most likely your home.
The way your personal space is organized can impact your mood and even your behavior. We all want to make our home a place we feel at peace in, a place that brings us happiness and relaxation, a place that allows us to spend quality time with ourselves or our loved ones. The problem is that I see a lot of people not taking care of their space, and that is a sign that they dont take care of themselves, mentally nor physically, and they probably don’t have control over their lives.
So the best things to do to ensure that your environment is in a good condition are :
- Dedicate a couple of hours, one day a week to organize your home, start with small things (folding clothes, cleaning the kitchen’s supplies, putting things back to their place…) then move to bigger things (cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming the floor, organizing your closet…)
- If you don’t have time or you live in a big home, hire a home cleaner.
- Realize that tasks like doing laundry or dishes only take less than 15 minutes.
- Switch your home decorations, and layout, there is a lot of inspo on Pinterest.
Financial Aspect Tips :
This aspect is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Nowadays, especially with capitalism, the nature of humans of always wanting more and the inflation that is impacting all countries around the world, it is hard to maintain the lifestyle that we want and desire to have. So here are few things you can do to improve your financial life :
- Get better at managing your income, it doesn’t matter how much you earn but it’s how you spend it.
- Start a side hustle. There are a lot of ways that you can earn some money online.
- Limit your spendings on materialistic things, and redirect it to things you truly need.
- Save 20% or more of your income.
The good thing about this is that some aspects have a direct effect on other aspects, which means when you improve one you’ll automatically improve the other.
For example : If you ameliorate your environment you feel better mentally (direct effect) and you’ll be able to practice better habits (indirect effect).